S - Scripture
Matthew 28 v. 18 And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in Heaven and on Earth has been given to me."
O - Observation
Delegation. This verse and the next verse are all about delegation. Jesus notifies us that he has been delegated by God the Father, to have authority in Heaven and Earth. Jesus truly controls our destiny. He has been delegated that power. So what does he do? He delegates to us. The next verse says. "GO and MAKE disciples of all nations, BAPTIZING them... and TEACH them to observe all that I have command you.' What an awesome honor!!! We have been delegated, chosen by Jesus to do, to be a part of his work and authority. I know that when I am delegated at work it means two things. 1) My boss trusts me - Honor. 2) I'm responsible on his behalf - Action.
A - Application
Am I good delegate for Jesus?
P - Prayer
Jesus, Thanks for the Honor of being a delegate for you. Help me to serve you in this way to the fullest. Love Will.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
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