Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Be more than just a Fan!!!

Event: Paul transferred to Caesarea  

S – Scripture
Acts 23 v.  35 He (the Governor) said, "I will hear you when your accusers arrive" And he commanded him to be guarded in Herod's Praetorian.
O – Observation
Accuses! Webster defines accuse to be, "say that someone is guilty". Accusing is a verb. Accusing is pointing the finger. Accusing is singling someone out. Paul was accused of being a follower of God. Actually, he was a "Jesus Freak." Which makes me think of DC talk's lyrics on Jesus Freaks. "What will people say when the know that I'm a Jesus Freak. I don't really care. There's no disguising the truth." Being accused of your Christian faith moves one from being a fan or a causal acquaintance to being a follower. A follower is defined as a supporter, a believer. Because to follow is to understand, and to understand is to act, do and live your life for Christ.
A - Application
Have I been accused of being a follower of Christ/Jesus Freak?
P – Prayer
Jesus, Let me be "Freaky" for you.  Love Will.

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