Event: Phillip and the Ethiopian
S - Scripture
Acts 8 v. 36 And as they went along the road they came to some water, and the
eunuch said, "See here is water! What is to prevent my being
O - Observation
No stoppers. This verse reminds me of two key concepts. 1) Nothing should
prevent you from acting as an agent of the Lord. You do not have to be a paid
"professional", pastor, DCE, worship leader, to take part in growing
the kingdom. Phillip didn't say, "Well let's get you back to Jerusalem
where the rest of my church is. No check out the verse before. Acts 8 v.
35, "Then Phillip opened his mouth, and beginning with this scripture he
told him the good news of Jesus." 2) Nothing should get in the way of a
child like faith. The eunuch displayed this when upon hearing the good news
logically, matter of factly said, here's water, I want to get baptized. There
was no humming or hawing. Just a childlike reaction to the good news.
A - Application
What's stopping me?
P - Prayer
Jesus, Let me follow through with the opportunities you give me. Help me to
have faith like a child. Love Will
Photo by Joshua Eckstein on Unsplash
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