Saturday, August 13, 2022

Teaching Them

 Guest Blog by Gary Riedel

S - SCRIPTURE: Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.

O - OBSERVATION: These are the last words of Matthews Gospel, a beautiful ending to such an amazing book written by Matthew but inspired by God. As he closes this book he gives us the well known “Great Commission" Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit in verse 19, but then finishes with verse 20. I chose to write about verse 20 because it tells us what to teach (all things, everything, He has commanded us to teach). Finally it concludes with this beautiful promise for us to take hold of when life and the teaching gets tough.

A - APPLICATION: When I think about teaching all things He has commanded us, I think of Deuteronomy 6, “you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and all 
your might”. In other words with all you are and have. I think of the beautiful Gospel of John, the familiar John 3:16 (gospel in a nutshell) my favorite; John 14:6: Jesus tells His disciples; I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me. Also, John 8:32 If you abide in My Word (The Bible) you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free! How sweet is that, free from what? The consequences, the enslavement of sin, that my friends is the best freedom of all! I think of the refrain from the song, “I’m no longer a slave to fear, I am a child
of God. Hence as I teach these things,He is with me always even to the end of the the world. There is no better promise!

P - PRAYER: Heavenly Father, sometimes we think we are too ordinary to teach, but help us to remember Jesus used some of the most common everyday men to teach, fishermen, lowly shepherds came to the manger, Jesus is for all, to be shared by all, that all might be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. Remind us, You are always with us as we seek to bear
witness for You. In Jesus Name, Amen

Photo by Belinda Fewings on Unsplash

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