Friday, July 15, 2022

Learn the History - Learn the Culture

Event: Stephen's Speech to the Sanhedrin

S - Scripture
Acts 7 v. 1-2 And the high priest said, "is this so?" And Stephen said, "Brethren and fathers, hear me. The God of glory appeared of our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran."

O - Observation
Know your history. Know your background. Stephen was defending his position, (Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to heaven) to the high priest. So in presenting his case, presenting the facts, Stephen used as the foundation, their history, and the facts. Being familiar with a person's history or culture helps one to connect and tie how Jesus can fit in with them. Is a great place to start. To do this, requires listening, hearing what people have to say. It requires studying and understanding a culture. Then we need to present the message of Christ in terms people understand.

A - Application
How well do I know the culture of today?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Help me to know the culture of my city so that I can effectively share your word.  Love Will

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

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