Saturday, December 3, 2022

Have an Active Spiritual Strength Training Program

Event: Paul in Galatia and Phrygia
S - Scripture
Acts 18 v. 23 After spending some time there he departed and went from place to place through the region of Galatia and Phrygia, strengthening all the disciples.
O – Observation
Strengthening. One of the key things that Paul did was strengthening the fellow believers. It’s a key aspect. Think about any Athlete. Sure they have the games that they compete in, and they have practices, but a key part of their regiment is strength training. So it must be for us. God commands us to be strong. Joshua 1 v. 9a, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of Good courage." So how do we go about being strong for the Lord? Read the Bible (daily), meditate on it, do what it says, pray. All these things must be a part of your daily regimen. Think about strength training, if a person only lifted weights once a week would he be all that strong?

A - Application
What is my spiritual strength training program?  
P - Prayer
Jesus, Help me to stay committed to my spiritual strength training program. Love Will

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

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