History - Old Testament
S - Scripture
Leviticus 3 v. 16 And the priest shall burn them on the alter as
food offered by fire for a pleasing odor. All fat is the Lords.
O - Observation
All fat is the Lords. An interesting comment in today's fitness driven culture. But if we think about it, back in Moses time, fatted animals were a sign of abundance or plenty. Otherwise the animals would be scrawny. We can apply that concept, fatted animals to today. All of our blessings, the things we have is a Gift from God. Recognizing this helps us put perspective on the things that we have. We need to remember it is not ours, its not because of our great skills, but it is a Gift from God. So in recognition of this we should give back to the Lord. So what is our approach to giving? 2 Corinthians 9 v. 7, 'Each one must do as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER.' A cheerful giver provides a pleasing odor for the Lord.
A - Application
Do I recognize the 'fat' I have is the Lords? Am I a cheerful giver?
P - Prayer
Jesus, Thank you for all my blessings. Love Will.
Photo by Blake Carpenter on Unsplash
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