Friday, March 24, 2023

Troubles have a purpose!

History - Old Testament
S - Scripture
Job  3 v. 16  Or why was I not as a hidden untimely birth, as infants that never see the light?

O - Observation
Desperation. In this verse Job is wishing he wasn't even born since his life was sucking so bad. I can relate. There are times when life simply stinks. Why do we go through these bad times? Psalm 50 v. 15 gives us a clue. "And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me." God allows these bad things to happen as a way to make you desperate for him. At the time when you are most venerable is the time you take down the shield of self pride and allow God to take control. And he will deliver you. That is a promise. We need to be desperate for him and he will deliver. Jeremiah 29 v. 13, "You will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all you heart." Seek - Find - Deliver - Glorify. An amazing chain of events.
A - Application
Am I desperate for Jesus? Am I seeking, calling him?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Thank you for delivering me. You are most glorious.  Love Will

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

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