Saturday, November 19, 2022

Accept Life's Relocations!!!

Event: Paul and Silas in Berea 

S - Scripture
Acts 17 v. 14-15a Then the brethren immediately sent Paul off on his way to the sea, but Silas and Timothy remained there. Those who conducted Paul brought him as far as Athens.

O – Observation
Relocation. Transfer. Change. Sometimes we get relocated whether we have a choice or not. Job might take you to a new city. Job might move you to a different place. The activities your kids do or yourself might take you to a new circle of people. It’s all change. It’s all about being able to adopt. Most of the time its taking you out of your comfort zone. Have you ever thought that perhaps God is moving you, placing you in these new locations? Perhaps you will be introduced to someone that needs to hear the good news. Perhaps you will be placed by someone that will strengthen your faith. Accept the relocation's with the trust of a loving God that is in control.

A - Application
Have I been relocated recently? Am I taking advantage of it?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Give me peace to accept where you place me. Love Will

Photo by Michal Balog on Unsplash

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