Event: Paul and Silas in Prison
S - Scripture
Acts 16 v. 19a,20-21 But when the owners saw that their hope of gain was gone.. when they had brought them to the magistrates, they said , "These men are Jews and they are disturbing our city. They advocate laws and customs which it is not lawful for us Romans to accept or practice.”
O – Observation
The sinful nature of ourselves. The strong resistance of the message of Christ. That's what this verse reflects. The owners of a slave girl which brought them much gain by soothsaying was rendered useless when Paul cast out the demon. The truth is the truth. However the owners were unwillingness to accept it, so they attacked the faith by twisting the issue. I see that today as well. People are too stubborn to accept the facts of God's word, so they attack the faith, twist the issue. Evolution. The anything goes sexual lifestyle. Being classified as old fashioned, kill-joy, hypocritical. It’s no different today than it was back then, Satan was and is the master of twisting things. It is clearly evident when he tempted Jesus by relaying only partial truths.
A - Application
Am I standing firm when the world’s sinful nature rears its head at me?
P - Prayer
Jesus, Help me to stand strong at the opposition. Love Will