Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Set your priorites on eternal things

S - Scripture
Proverbs 24 v. 27 Prepare your work outside, get everything ready for you in the field; after that build your house. 

O - Observation
Time management. Priorities. This Proverb addresses the critical need to have food. First thing is to prepare the fields, plant the seeds. It then takes time to cultivate and grow the crops. During that time, then you can build your shelter. If one does it visa versa, they may miss the planting season, and have little to no food. If you apply this proverb to our lives we need to place first our efforts on the long term, on the food of eternal life. John 6 v. 35a, "Jesus said to them, 'I am the bread of Life; he who comes to me shall not hunger.'" We need to work in the field of our heart. We need to cultivate our relationship with God by daily bible readings and prayer. Once this is done, we can build our houses. Matthew 6 v. 33, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well."

A - Application
How's my time management? What are my priorities?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Help me to prep my heart for you.  Love Will.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

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