Saturday, April 16, 2022

Don't scheme - Plan!!!

S - Scripture     

Matthew  27 v. 65  Pilate said to them, "You have guard of soldiers; go make it as secure as you can."  


O - Observation 

Schemes. The Pharisees couldn't let killing Jesus alone as good enough. They had to make sure he stayed "dead". They were worried that the disciples would steal his body and then claimed he rose. So they schemed and had the Romans guard the tomb and seal it. I find it interesting on how they manipulated the Roman Government to get what they wanted with out ever having to get their own hands dirty.  Schemes. It is defined as an underhand or secret plan. Thanks be to God who does NOT scheme. His plans are well published, he wants all to be saved. There's nothing underhanded about Jesus dyeing and rising again for our sins!!!


A - Application  

Do I scheme? Or do I plan? 


P - Prayer      

Jesus, Thanks for executing the ultimate master plan for me and my family and my friends.  Love Will.  

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

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