Friday, April 15, 2022

Rejoice in Jesus victory over death

S - Scripture     

Matthew  27 v.50  And Jesus cried again with a loud voice, and yielded his spirit.


O - Observation 

Jesus understands. This verse tells me that Jesus understands what we all must face. Death. Some people are lucky and die in their sleep, some die in an accident, some slowly rot away thru cancer or some other dease. Jesus understands. He cried out in a loud voice. Both Matthew and Mark don't say what he said, but Luke quotes Jesus last words in Luke 23 v. 46; "Father into thy hands I commit my Spirit."  And John 10 v. 30; "It is finished." Jesus died trusting, believing in God and his plan for him. It still wasn't easy. He still had to face death. He understands our fears about this. But, there's GREAT NEWS!!! Jesus rose again. He conquered Death. 1 Corinthians 15 v. 55; " O Death where is thy Victory? O Death where is thy Sting?" Jesus understands and delivers.


A - Application  

AI prepared for Death? Do I rejoice in Jesus victory over Death? 


P - Prayer      

Jesus, Thank you, thank you for DYEING and RISING for me.  Love Will.  

Photo by Bruno van der Kraan on Unsplash

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