Monday, October 31, 2022

Don't put a square peg in a round hole!

Event: Paul being blocked to preach in Asia 

S - Scripture
Acts 16 v. 6 And they went through the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been forbidden to by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia.

O – Observation
Being led by the Spirit. This verse has always fascinated me. The Holy Spirit forbidding Paul's plans. I wonder how that was? If it was through a dream, then more than likely they would of said that is was what happened. If it was through Jesus, then more than likely they would of had Jesus words. It's possible that all their plans fell through or were made impossible to do, which lead them to the conclusion the Holy Spirit forbid them to go to Asia. Proverbs 16 v. 3, "Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. " Paul was clearly committed to the Lord, and his plans were establish. He (and we) need to realize that sometimes our plans are not the Lords; and to be able to adopt for the plans he lays out for us.. No point in putting a square peg in a round hole.

A - Application
Am I being led by the Spirit?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Establish your plan for me, and help me to execute it. Love Will 

Image by Thaliesin from Pixabay 

Saturday, October 29, 2022

My Heart Leaps for Joy!

 Guest Blog by Gary Riedel

S - SCRIPTURE Psalm 28:7 The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me. MY HEART LEAPS FOR JOY, and with my song I praise Him.

O - OBSERVATION: This is one of David’s Psalms, it’s interesting how desperately he needs God to intervene in his circumstances, and then after he talks through how lost he is and without God’s help he will go down into the pit. And then, because of his faith and trust in God, he knows God will deliver him and in the same Psalm he praises God for being the salvation of the people and he is so happy his heart leaps for joy!

A - APPLICATION: It seems to me this is exactly how we are today without Jesus. The world bears down on us with all kinds of evil and threatens to sink us in the mire, but thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our dear Lord Jesus Christ 1 Corinthians 15:55-57. We need
only to sincerely pray to Him and repent and before we know it our hearts too will leap for joy and gratitude to our our Heavenly Father as we simultaneously trust Him and give thanks to Him. Without trust, there will be little thanksgiving. Let’s ask God than to grow our faith.

P - PRAYER: Heavenly Father, send Your Spirit among us so that we may grow in faith, love, and trust of You. May we trust You Lord to the extent that out heart’s will leap for joy. In Jesus Name, Amen

Photo by Peter Conlan on Unsplash

Use Bible Based wisdom in your life

Event: Timothy joins Paul and Silas when in Lystra 

S - Scripture
Acts 16 v. 5 So the churches were strengthened in the faith and they increased in numbers daily.

O – Observation
Church Growth. This verse always fascinates me, especially the, "increased in numbers DAILY." Its exponential growth. Its growth that I have never seen in the churches that I have been a member. Although Alive in Christ is growing, just not in a DAILY fashion. What makes Churches grow? The previous verse gives a clue. In that verse Paul and Silas gave instruction to them. Bible based wisdom, God's word has to be the foundation for growth. The Holy Spirit was moving among the people. The people themselves were all-in. They didn't leave the sharing of the Good news to just the leaders. They shared amongst their circles. They strengthened each other. They developed relationships with each other and God.

A - Application
What is MY role in growing the Church?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Help me to strengthen my relationships. Love Will

Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

Friday, October 28, 2022

We need to be adaptable!

Event: Timothy joins Paul and Silas when in Lystra 

S - Scripture
Acts 16 v. 3 Paul wanted Timothy to accompany him; and he took him and circumcised him because of the Jews that were in those places, for they knew that his father was a Greek.

O – Observation
Adapting to be effective. Speaking from a guy's perspective, this was the ultimate adaption. As we go to places to share the Good news we need to adapt to the people we relate to. The MESSAGE STAYS THE SAME. It's the delivery that changes. Paul understood this when he said in 1 Corinthians 9 v. 19b, 20a, 21a, 22, "I have made myself a slave to all, that I might win the more, to the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win the Jews. To those outside the law (Gentiles) I became as one outside the law, to the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. " Adapting to the environment makes for effective sharing.

A - Application
Am I able to adapt to the different groups I interact with?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Help me to be like Paul, to be adaptive for you. Love Will

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Thursday, October 27, 2022

There will be conflict

Event: Disagreement between Paul and Barnabus 

S - Scripture
Acts 15 v. 39-40 And there rose a sharp contention, so that they separated from each other; Barnabus took Mark with him and sailed away to Cyprus, but Paul chose Silas and departed, being commended by the brethren to the grace of the Lord.

O – Observation
Conflict in the ranks. What happened here always confuses me. Paul and Barnabus, traveled together, experienced much together. They were like the one-two punch of spreading the Gospel. Yet, conflict, dissension, SHARP contention. All over who to take on a trip. Barnabus wanted to take Mark Paul did not, since Mark backed out of them in Pamphylia. As I hear it sometimes, the issue is not really the issue. I guess, I'll never know, but this much I do know: 1) We never hear Barnabus name again. 2) God desires unity. Colossians 3 v. 14, "And above all these put on love which binds everything together in perfect harmony."

A - Application
How am I dealing with Conflict in the Ranks?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Bind us all in perfect Harmony with you. Love Will

Photo by jean wimmerlin on Unsplash

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Remember – Relationships for life!!!

Event: Disagreement between Paul and Barnabus 

S - Scripture
Acts 15 v. 36 And after some days Paul said to Barnabus, 'Come let us return and visit the brethren in every city where we proclaimed the word of the Lord, and see how they are.'

O – Observation
Relationships. It has to be more than one and done. It has to be intentional. Paul understood this. That is why he wanted to go back and see how people were doing. Relationships take work, they take a place of priority. Could Paul have opted to go to new places? I'm sure he could. But, he understood the value of the relationship. Relationships, is the door to sharing and growing the faith. Ephesians 5 v. 15-16a, " Look carefully then how you walk. (what you do) not as unwise men but wise, making g the most of the time." Take advantage of the time given to you to develop and strengthen your relationships.

A - Application
What am I doing to develop our strengthen my relationships?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Give me the desire to develop close relationships. Love Will

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Use the power of encouragement

Event: The Council’s letters to Gentile Believers 

S - Scripture
Acts 15 v. 31-32 And when they read it, they rejoiced at the exhortation. And Judas and Silas, who were themselves prophets, exhorted the brethren with many words and strengthened them.

O – Observation
The power of encouragement. This verse reflects what happens when people are encouraged through the word of God. 1) Rejoicing. The people rejoiced at the exhortation. Proverbs 12 v. 15, "Anxiety in a man's heart weight him down but a good word makes him glad." God's word is so wonderful, so amazing, it can only make one jump for joy. But as any encouragement, after the initial emotional rush, then comes desire, commitment to the source of the rush. Which leads to the second half of encouragement. 2) Strengthen. Psalm 100 v. 24, "Thy testimony's are my delight, they are my counselors." Encouragement is a great form of teaching and motivating. They inspire steadfastness and strength.

A - Application
Am I using the power of encouragement?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Help me to be an encourager for you. Love Will 

Image by RachH from Pixabay

Monday, October 24, 2022

Don’t forget to call in the Reinforcements

Event: The Council’s letters to Gentile Believers 

S - Scripture
Acts 15 v. 22 Then it seems good to the apostles and the elders, with the whole church, to choose men from among them and send them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabus.

O – Observation
Reinforcements. That's what this verse is all about. Paul and Barnabus had spent some fruitful time in Antioch, but the Jewish leaders created such opposition they had to leave. But the work was not yet done. So they brought in some reinforcements. It’s a common but great strategy. Establish a presence and then build upon it. It’s the strategy each of us should employ on a very micro level - yourself. We can't live our lives content to be where we are in our faith. The pull of the enemy is strong. We need to bring in reinforcements to our faith daily. We do this by reading the Bible, thinking about what we read, applying its, praying, surrounding ourselves with other Christian friends.

A - Application
Am I bringing in the reinforcements in on a daily basis?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Equip me, strengthen me daily. Love Will 

Image by Dabinielson from Pixabay 

Saturday, October 22, 2022

In Him we have Redemption!

 Guest Blog by Gary Riedel

S - SCRIPTURE: Ephesians 1:7, 8a In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace 8a That He lavished on us.

O - OBSERVATION : This verse makes it so clear where our Redemption originates, it does NOT come from within us, not our works, deeds, or “good behavior? But rather from the riches of God’s grace which He lavished on us. I just love this way of describing His grace. It’s like a lavish spread of ice cream on a German Chocolate cake. Rich!!

A - APPLICATION: That knowledge frees us from the slavery of the consequences of sin! That lavish gift of God means my Redemption is secured by the blood of Jesus. His sacrifice was sufficient for all sin, and we are now free to live in service to others in whatever vocation God has called us to. We sing songs of praise and thanksgiving to a  Godhead who has so graciously provided for us. “I AM REDEEMED!”

P - PRAYER: Thank You Jesus for Your loving sacrifice for all, may we be moved to share the Good News with others. In Jesus Name, Amen

Photo by David Holifield on Unsplash

Place God First!!!

Event: The Council at Jerusalem – James’s comments
S - Scripture
Acts 15 v. 20 But should write to them to abstain from the pollutants of idols and from unchasity.

O – Observation
Getting back to the basics - part II. Yesterday we talked about encouragement vs. judgment. Today, this verse points out two key basics, foundations of a Christian life. 1) Have NO other God but Jesus. This is the first commandment. Exodus 20 v.5 explains the importance of the first commandment. "You shall not bow down to them (idols) or serve them; for I the Lord your God am a JEALOUS God." He later on states that he will punish those that didn't put him first and provide steadfast love for those that do. 2) Unchasity. Sexual sins. This is very dangerous as well. 1 Corinthians 6 v. 18-19, "Shun immorality. Every other sin which a man commits is outside the body! But the immoral man sin against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit within you which you have from God? You are not your own." This verse gives great insight to the issues of sexual sin. In the end it’s all about placing God first and only.

A - Application
Am I placing God first in my life? Is he my only thing?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Don't let me get distracted, help me to always have you first. Love Will 

Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Friday, October 21, 2022

Don't Judge - Encourage!!!

Event: The Council at Jerusalem – James’s comments 

S - Scripture
Acts 15 v. 19-20a Therefore my judgment is that we should not trouble those of the Gentiles who turn to God, but should write to them to abstain from the pollutions of idols and from unchasity.

O – Observation
Getting back to the basics. That's what really stands out in this verse. After great discussion on whether or not Gentiles should get circumcised or not, James provides this summary. His first statement is to encourage, to teach, not to judge. Jesus said this in Matthew 7 v. 1-2, Judge not, that you not be judged. For with the Judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you give." It is the approval that we must have with fellow believers. Some are "baby" Christians, some are mature in their faith. We need to encourage them. Teach them using the word of God. Each one of us can help build each other up in our faith.

A - Application
Am I teaching, encouraging others in the Christian faith?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Help me not to judge, but instead instruct and encourage. Love Will

Image by Steffi Timm from Pixabay 

Thursday, October 20, 2022

By Grace we are Saved!!!

Event: The Council at Jerusalem – Peter’s comments 

S - Scripture
Acts 15 11, But we believe that we shall be saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, just as they will.

O – Observation
Our Faith. The Bottom-line. Unchanging from generation to generation. Notice the first thing in this belief statement is - saved. Saved from what? Romans 6 v. 23, "For the wages of sin is Death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." We all will live forever. It’s just a matter of where your eternal destination will be. Heaven or Hell. On our own we are all hosed, Romans 3 v. 23, "Since ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." That in itself is depressing except for the second half of our belief statement. Grace. Free gift. God has compassion on us. God doesn't want us to go to Hell. He loves us. After all, he created us, Romans 5 v. 8, "But God shows his love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

A - Application
Do you believe in the Christian faith statement?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Thank you for saving me from eternal punishment. Love Will 

Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

There are no exceptions

Event: The Council at Jerusalem = Peter’s comments
S - Scripture
Acts 15 v. 8-9 And God who knows the heart bore witness to them, giving them the Holy Spirit just as he did to us, and he made no distinction between us and them, but cleansed their hearts by faith.

O – Observation
No distinction. Same process for all. That's the beauty of these two verses. That's the beauty of our God. 1 Peter 3 v. 9, "The Lord is not slow about his promise as some count slowness, but is forbearing toward you, NOT WISHING THAT ANY SHOULD PERISH, BUT THAT ALL SHOULD REACH REPENTANCE." We need to remember that. God wants ALL to be saved. ALL means no exclusions. Our faith CAN'T be a country club, a members only sort of deal. We need to reach out to those that God presents to us. We need to share God's word with them, pray for the Holy Spirit to enter into their lives. Romans 10 v. 17a, "So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes by the Preaching of the Gospel."

A - Application
Am I making any distinctions to whom I share the Good News with?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Thank you for dying for ALL. Love Will 

Photo by Vaishakh pillai on Unsplash

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Remember - We are parts of the Body!!!

Event: The Council at Jerusalem – Peter’s comments 

S - Scripture
Acts 15 v. 7 And after there had been much debate, Peter rose and said to them, "You know that in the early days, God made choice among you, that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the Gospel and believe.”

O – Observation
Many parts of the body. That's what this verse remind me. For the past several chapters, it has been all about Paul and Barnabus, but now back in Jerusalem, and the debate is about circumcision, Peter speaks up. Peter gives a great commentary which resolves this issue. Paul did not have to do this. In this case, Paul complemented Peter. 1 Corinthians 12 v 12, 18, "For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body though are many, are one body, so it is with Christ. But as it is, God arranges the organs in the body, each one of them as he chooses. " Peter and Paul are a part of the body of Christ. Each one of them played a role. Each one of them complements the other.

A - Application
Do I realize that I am a part of the body of Christ? How am I complementing the other parts?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Thanks for making me a part of the body. Help me to make it a strong body. Love Will

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

Monday, October 17, 2022

We are Part of the New Covenant

Event: The Council at Jerusalem 

S - Scripture
Acts 15 v. 5 But some believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees rose up and said, "It is necessary to circumcise them, and to charge them to keep the law of Moses."

O – Observation
Opposition to the New Covenant. That's the reality of those who believe in Jesus. We live by a new Covenant, a covenant that was prophesied. Jeremiah 31 v. 31a, "Behold the days are coming says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant." This covenant will not be based upon what we do as the Old Testament was, Instead, Jeremiah 31 v.33. "But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put my law within them, I will write it upon their hearts: and I will be their God, and they shall be my people." This new covenant is based on faith. It is not earned. Which is counter cultural to how the world thinks.

A - Application
Do I realize that I am a part of an New Covenant with God?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Thank you for your new covenant. Love Will

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Saturday, October 15, 2022

The Way of Redemption

 Guest Blog by Gary Riedel

S - SCRIPTURE: John 14:5,6 Thomas said to Him, we don’t know where You are going, so how can we know the way? v6 Jesus answered, I AM THE WAY AND THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. No one comes to the father except through Me.

O - OBSERVATION: I have always loved this passage of scripture and committed it to memory, because no matter where I am or what I’m confronting on an earthly level, I know beyond a doubt that if I remain committed to Jesus Redemption through Him is mine.

A - APPLICATION: So there is only one way to the Father, and 
that’s through Jesus the perfect lamb of God Who laid down His life on the Cross of Calvary! He is the truth of Redemption  because without Him there is no Redemption! His is the Life in Redemption because He overcame the power of sin, death and the power of the devil, and in so doing gave us Eternal
LIfe. Simply put, It is only through Jesus we have Redemption! 

P - PRAYER: Heavenly Father, help us to know and live like Jesus is our only Redemption. In Jesus Name, Amen

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Don't forget to Show and Tell

Event: Paul and Barnabus return to Antioch in Syria 

S - Scripture
Acts 14 v. 27 And when they arrived, they gathered all the church together and declared all that God had done with them, and how he opened the door of faith to the Gentiles.

O – Observation
Show and tell. It’s not just for Kindergarten. Think about it, that was my favorite time. Everyone had something neat to share, or they inspired you to find or experience something cool to share as well. In Paul and Baranbus's case, they were sharing how God was 1) With them 2) and how he opened the door to the gentiles. Hearing these stories had to inspire and encourage the church. We need to have show and tell time with our faith. We need to share with other believers how God is with us. We need to encourage each other to act our faith. 2 Thessalonians 5 v. 11, "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."

A - Application
Have I had a chance to show and tell my faith?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Create opportunities for me to share and encourage other believers. Love Will

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Friday, October 14, 2022

Build things to last!!!

Event: Paul and Barnabus return to Antioch in Syria 

S - Scripture
Acts 14 v. 23 And when they had appointed elders for them in every church, with prayer and fasting, they committed them to the Lord in whom they believed.

O – Observation
Building to last. That's what this verse is all about. It’s about intentionality. It’s about structure. Clearly Paul was called to be an evangelist, which had him always moving around. I'm sure that Paul was a compelling preacher. When he was present, it was a "mountain top" experience. But what happened when he left for another city? Folks would go into a valley. What happened in this verse is the Key to minimize or raise the valley. On a macro level you do this by placing and positioning men of God in your churches. On a micro level you do this by providing leadership at home, practicing your faith with your family every day, not just Sunday.

A - Application
Am I building to last, the Christian faith in my home/family?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Help me to be a good leader for my family. Love Will

Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Don't forget to Recharge!

Event: Paul and Barnabus return to Antioch in Syria 

S - Scripture
Acts 14 v. 21-22a When they had preached the gospel to that city, and had made many disciples, they returned to Lystra and to Iconium and to Antioch, strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith.

O – Observation
Recharge. That's exactly what Paul and Barnabus were doing for the early Christians (and for themselves.) After being out on the streets sharing, convincing, evangelizing, they came back to a safe place. They came back to where there was a base of believers. Their focus switched from making to teaching to strengthening. It is so very important to recharge. Otherwise, burn out and discouragement will occur. We will become ineffective. Spending some cycles in God's word is a great way to recharge. Going to Church with a body of believers is a great way to recharge. Matthew 18 v. 29, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them."

A - Application
Am I recharging myself?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Refuel my soul with your energy and love. Love Will

Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Stand Firm in your Faith!!!

Event: Paul and Barnabus In Lystra and Derbe 

S - Scripture
Acts 14 v. 19 But Jews came there from Antioch and Iconium; and having persuaded the people, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing he was dead.

O – Observation
You will have enemies if you are a Christian. The Devil does not want you to have a relationship with God and to share the Great news of Jesus. Ephesians 6 v. 10, "For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of his present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places." You will face persecution, exclusion, ridicule on account of your faith. Do not lose hope! You are not going at it alone. There is a reward. Revelation 2 v. 7b, "To whim who conquerors, I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God."

A - Application
Do I back down to those that oppose my faith in Jesus?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Give me the strength and confidence in my life to face those that hate me on account of you. Love Will


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Remember - Everything you have is from God

Event: Paul and Barnabus In Lystra and Derbe 

S - Scripture
Acts 14 v. 17 Yet he did not leave himself without witness, for he did good and gave you from Heaven rains and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and gladness.

O – Observation
Everything is an account to God. Psalm 24 v.1, "The earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein." All that you have is a gift from God. All that you have is a witness to what he can do. It’s a reflection of God looking after his creation. Think of anything you make, you are proud of it. It means something to you. Such as it is for God. We are foolish to think that we have created the positions that we are in. It is foolish for us to think how great we are, or how bad things are. Remember Job, who lost everything. God responded to him this way. Job 38 v.4, "Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me if you have an understanding? Who determined its measurements. Surely you know!"

A - Application
Do I realize that everything I have is on account of God?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Thank you for all that I have. You bless me greatly. Love Will

Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

Monday, October 10, 2022

Be the Switch!!!

Event: Paul and Barnabus In Lystra and Derbe 

S - Scripture
Acts 14 v. 15 Men, Why are you doing this? We also are men, of like nature with you, and bring you good news, that you should turn from these vain things to a living God who made the Heaven and the Earth and the sea and all that is in them.

O – Observation
Turn. Webster defines turn as "a change of direction." In this account, the people of Lystra thought that Paul and Barnabus were the gods Zeus and Hermes. This verse is their response to their acquisitions. “We are nothing special, but God, Jesus is what is special. Now that you know the truth it’s time to shift your beliefs to the truth.” Such as it is today. There are so many false religions, Gods. People blindly following what they want to hear. We need to be the switch to "turn on the light" for these folks. Help them to turn to the truth.

A - Application
Am I a switch? Am I pointing, turning people to Jesus?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Help me to turn people to you. Love Will 

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay