Event: Paul and Barnabus return to Antioch in Syria
S - Scripture
Acts 14 v. 21-22a When they had preached the gospel to that city, and had made many disciples, they returned to Lystra and to Iconium and to Antioch, strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith.
O – Observation
Recharge. That's exactly what Paul and Barnabus were doing for the early Christians (and for themselves.) After being out on the streets sharing, convincing, evangelizing, they came back to a safe place. They came back to where there was a base of believers. Their focus switched from making to teaching to strengthening. It is so very important to recharge. Otherwise, burn out and discouragement will occur. We will become ineffective. Spending some cycles in God's word is a great way to recharge. Going to Church with a body of believers is a great way to recharge. Matthew 18 v. 29, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
A - Application
Am I recharging myself?
P - Prayer
Jesus, Refuel my soul with your energy and love. Love Will
Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash
Will, that message really is just what I needed today!!!!THANK YOU.