Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Be an Ant Man!!!

S - Scripture    
Proverbs 6 v. 6  Go to the Ant, O sluggard, consider her ways and be wise.  

O - Observation

Work. There's a lot we can learn from Ants. 1) They are always doing something. They don't lie around (Like the turtles I saw this weekend.) No, they are motivated to gather food. They gather not only for the good times but the down times as well. 2) They work and live in colonies. They learn to live together. 3) They are focused. I know that in the Ant lines that I have seen, if I put a brick or foot in the way, although the path may be interrupted, they work their way around it or over it until they get on the path.


A - Application 
Think about these traits: working, relational, focused. Are these good descriptors of my life? Of my spiritual life?

P - Prayer     
Jesus, Remind me of the Ant on a daily basis. Help me to achieve such lofty standards.  Love Will. 
Photo by James Wainscoat on Unsplash

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