Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Take advantage of the Opportunites that are right in front of you!

Event: The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost

S - Scripture
Acts 2 v. 5 Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devote men from every nation under heaven.

O - Observation
Opportunity. Just think, as God was enacting Pentecost, sending the Holy Spirit to the disciples, right there, where they were at, was  "men from every nation." How convenient was it to have this when Jesus said in Matthew 28 v. 19a, "Go therefore and make disciples of ALL NATIONS." God assembled the nations there for them. As I think about where I live, it's a melting pot of many nations. I don't have to travel to China to interact and meet with Chinese people. I think about my Mom and Dad and Immanuel Lutheran Ollevette, with the English as a Second Language program. How they have grown a Chinese Christian church in MO. The cool thing is, they all have family back home. They all can bring back to their land, their faith. Awesome!!!

A - Application
Am I looking at the opportunity right before my eyes?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Thanks for teeing up the opportunities for me. Love Will

Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash

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