Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Trust God's Plan

Event: Jesus Taken up to Heaven


S - Scripture
Acts 1 v. 7 He said to them, 'It is not for you to know times or season which the Father has fixed by his own authority.'

O - Observation
Trust. Can you trust me? Can you trust God? This was Jesus response to the disciples question of when they will see a physical ruling of Israel. This after watching Jesus die and rise again, watching him flip the religious world upside down, watching him draw crowds. They still didn't get it. So they asked the question. This is a great picture of today's world. People want to get it. People want hard, I can touch facts. They want to understand it completely. But, because we can't' see Jesus , we have to have faith. Webster defines faith as, "Belief or Trust." Jesus told us in John 20 v. 29b, "Blessed are those who have not seen yet believe. " The good news is this, there is plenty of evidence of Jesus existence.

A - Application
OK - Bottom line. Do I trust in Jesus?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Strengthen my faith in you.  Love Will

Photo by Ronda Dorsey on Unsplash

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