Monday, January 16, 2023

Learn to speake the "language" of those around you

Event: Paul Speaks to the Crowd
S – Scripture
Acts 22 v. 1-2 Brethren and fathers hear the defense which I now make before you." And when they heard that he addressed them in the Hebrew language, they were more quiet.
O – Observation

Speaking in a language people understand. That is the key to sharing the Gospel. It’s not about changing the truth to fit people needs. No. It’s about presenting the truth, the facts in a language people understand. Intellectually, for the intellectuals. Arkansasian for those that live in Arkansas. The key is to be able to RELATE to the folks your sharing with. And to relate to them, you have to spend time with them. Understand how they think, what’s important to them, how they communicate. Different approaches for different people.  Jude 1 v. 22-23a, "And convince some, who doubt; save some by snatching them out of the fire; on some have mercy with fear."

A - Application
How well do I speak in a language people understand?
P – Prayer
Jesus, Help me to be able to RELATE to ALL people.  Love Will.

Image by Biljana Jovanovic from Pixabay 

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