Tuesday, September 1, 2020


S - Scripture     

Matthew 19 v. 29  And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or Father or  Mother or Children or Lands, for my names sake, will receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.   


O - Observation    

Sacrifice. Gods gift of eternal life is free. We do NOT have to earn it. We simply must believe. But, if we believe, and have such a wonderful gift, we should be compelled to share it. Jesus commands us (Matthew 28 v. 19) Go and make disciples of ALL nations. And that is against what the world wants. Thus the sacrifice. It starts small. Sharing with your family. Some may not want to hear that church crap. Should that stop you? Never!! Some may have the opportunity to go Large. Leave the support structure of home to visit and share the Good news with others. It costs you time away from your family (and vacation time) but it is immensely awesome. The Reward is much greater than the sacrifice.


A - Application  

Am I willing to sacrifice to share God's word?       


P - Prayer      

Jesus, Strengthen me, Motivate me to Go and share the Good news!!! Love Will.  

Image by heinzremyschindler from Pixabay 

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