Sunday, September 6, 2020

Quit thinking about yourself and think about Jesus

S - Scripture     

S - Scripture

Matthew  20 v. 20  Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came up to him, with her sons, and kneeling before him, she asked for something.    


O - Observation    

Ignorance. Or selfish blindness. Here's the case of James and John along with their Mom, getting ready to ask Jesus a question which was self serving. The Mom (probably encouraged by her sons) asks Jesus if they (her sons) will be his right (and left) hand men. All this, right after Jesus tells very plainly how he's going to suffer and die. (Remember yesterday’s verse.) So instead of asking questions of concern about Jesus, the first question is about personal status. Jesus, in his God like patience, asked if they can drink from his cup. To which the boyz were quick to respond - sure!!  Jesus, probably shook his head and said its not for me to decide. Such patience, such love.


A - Application  

Am I listening to the Message of God, or am I just thinking about me?      


P - Prayer      

Jesus, Help me to listen to what you have to say.  Love Will.  

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