Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Keep your motivation pure.

S - Scripture

Matthew  23 v. 5  They do all their deeds to be seen by men; for they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long.   


O - Observation 

Motivation.  Jesus was cutting to the chase as he was describing the Pharisees. Their motivation was selfish, it truly was all about them.  Phylacteries were "small" containers which kept quotes from scripture and bound to the forehead and arms during prayer. Their reward is what they got. Respect while on earth, while missing the eternal boat. Jesus wants our motivation to be pure, to be from the heart. He will determine who's great. Think of the widow that gave 2 cents, but it was everything she owned. That was impressive, but the bean counters didn't even notice. Jesus also said back in Matthew 20 v. 26, "But whoever would be great amongst you must be your servant.


A - Application  

So.. What's my motivation? Especially when I do things for the church.       


P - Prayer      

Jesus, Keep my motivation pure and true. Give me a servants heart. Love Will.  

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