Friday, September 11, 2020

Living for Jesus - Will result in Controversy

S - Scripture     

Matthew  21 v. 12  And Jesus entered the temple of God and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he over turned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold Pigeons. 


O - Observation    

Controversy.  Just think, the very first thing that Jesus did when he came into Jerusalem with all the fan fair, and the crowds and acknowledgment is to go straight into the temple and cause havoc. In today's political world that would be suicide.  Today's political world, Jesus should of stood at the temple and preached. But no, Jesus is controversial. Why? Because he's perfect and were not. And in spades!!! We, because of our sinful nature love to do imperfection. Jesus cuts thru the bull and gets to the Heart of the matter. What is the motive? To go with Jesus is to go against the world - which is Controversial. 

A - Application  

Am I living a controversial life for God?       


P - Prayer      

Jesus, See who I am. Help me to live my life for you.  Love Will.  

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