Saturday, November 6, 2021

Fertilize our lives with God's Wisdom

S - Scripture    
 9 v. 11 For by me your days will be multiplied, and years added to your life.  

O - Observation

Wisdom is the fertilizer to our lives. I think about the trees and shrubs around my house. When I water them with Miracle grow, they really grow!!! The plants really suck up the good stuff.  Its more than water, its Miracle Grow!! What a great analogy for our lives. Sure, we may get wisdom, words from wise people and it will help us to grow. That's like just watering the plants. But when we inject Godly wisdom into our lives - that's the MIRACLE GROW!!! That will flourish us. Psalm 13 v. 6; "I will sing to the Lord, because he has dealt bountifully with me." 


A - Application 

Am I fertilizing me life with Godly wisdom? Am I regularly being fertilized?

P - Prayer      

Jesus,  Thank you for your wisdom, help me to drink it up and grow.  Love Will. 

Image by Jing from Pixabay 

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