S -
Matthew 10
v. 32 So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will
acknowledge before my father who is in heaven.
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Motivation. This verse is all
about motivation. The truth of the matter is one day we will stand in front of
God the Father and Jesus will speak on our behalf. We’re screwed without
him. I know that I will want him to tell God the Father, that I gladly,
willingly, joyfully acknowledge to everyone that Jesus is my Lord, Savior and
Friend. Two other interesting things to note: 1) Our faith can't be passive. We
need to acknowledge it before men. We shouldn't be private in our faith. 2)
There's a flipside to positive acknowledgement, those that know his name but
blow him. off. Jesus will relay that as well to God the Father. Yikes!!!
A -
Am I ashamed of the name of
Jesus? Am I acknowledging him before men?
P -
Jesus, Help me to boldly
proclaim your glory to everyone. Love Will.