Monday, February 22, 2021

Go and Tell!!!

S – Scripture

Mark 16 v. 7  But Go, tell his disciple and Peter that he is gong before you to Galilee; and there you will see him, as he told you.


O – Observation

This is the message that the angel told the ladies when they saw that the stone was rolled away and Jesus was gone. There’s a lot of parallels between this statement and today. Then, they were instructed to Go and Tell. Jesus will meet them in a specific location, Galilee. The times that they saw Jesus then were astounding, and He sent the Holy Spirit into their lives. More than they could imagine. Today, we are told to Go and Tell as well. And He (Jesus ) is preparing for us a Heavenly mansion. More than we can imagine. Side note: Notice, Peter was specifically mentioned, perhaps that was to ease his pain for denying Christ.


A – Application

Am I Going and Telling?


P – Prayer

Jesus, Help me to Go!!! Love Will

Image by Dean Moriarty from Pixabay 

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