Monday, August 23, 2021

Follow the Law - It will give you Peace

S - Scripture
Psalm 119 v. 165 Great peace have those who love thy law; nothing can make them stumble.

O - Observation
The Law. That word stirs so much emotion. We think of the Law We think of restrictions. We sing about it. I like the Clash's version of "I fought the law and the law won." It's human nature to challenge something that doesn't make sense to me, or limits my freedom. Sometimes, however, laws that once made sense to longer do. That being said, God's law is timeless. God's law provides us with protection. It protects our soul (1st three commandments). It protects our body (Thou shall not Kill). It protects our relationship with each other (slander, covetousness, adultery). God's law in 10 simple commandments is the recipe for peace.

A - Application
How peaceful am I? Am I following God's law?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Thank you for the 10 Commandments.  Love Will

Photo by Sean Foster on Unsplash

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