Event: Paul’s message to the people In Pisidian Antioch
S - Scripture
Acts 13 v. 17 The God of the people Israel chose our fathers and made the people great during their stay in the land of Egypt, and with uplifted arm he led them out of it.
O - Observation
God does amazing things for those who he loves and has a relationship with. Israel was his (Paul) example of this. Is a great pattern. Bless - Test - Bless. The Israelites came to Egypt via Jacob due to a famine. He blessed the family so that they became a nation. He tested them by allowing them to go into slavery. He blessed them by leading them out and into the promised land. Think of Job. He was a blessed man. Had great wealth. Then the test, he lost it all, but still stayed true to God, then blessed. So don't be surprised if you experience this pattern in your own life, is a way that God uses to grow us.
A - Application
Have I seen this pattern in my own life? Am I thankful for it?
P - Prayer
Jesus, Grow me closer to you. Love Will
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