Saturday, September 17, 2022

Let Your Light Shine

 Guest Blog Post by Gary Riedel

S - SCRIPTURE: Matthew 5:16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

O - OBSERVATION: Matthew says we bring glory to God when we serve others with love, care, and understanding. The light is really God’s love brought to others through we who love Him because He first loved us. It reminds me of the old praise song; It only takes a spark to get
a fire going, that’s how it is with God’s love, once you’ve experienced it, you want to pass it on.

A - APPLICATION: So how do you and I let our light shine as we live our daily lives? We serve on mission trips to help those who experience unfortunate events in our country and around the world. We send our youth on mission trips so they learn about service to others and also learn that they grow through service. You see, you can’t sincerely out of love, give of yourself to others without receiving more for yourself. Which brings me to the final point, there are many opportunities  to serve all around us, in our daily life. We let our light shine even with a friendly greeting and a welcome smile. God’s love can even shine through our eyes, as we share concerned and warm encouraging looks to others, so let’s let God’s love shine through everything we say and do.

P - PRAYER: Heavenly Father, You gave the ultimate gift of love to all of us in Jesus, help us to serve You by sharing our love with others. In Jesus Name, Amen

Photo by Prateek Gautam on Unsplash

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