Thursday, May 21, 2020

Be Fisher's of Men

S - Scripture     
Matthew  4 v. 19  And he said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you Fishers of Men"      

O - Observation        
Although Jesus used this as his recruiting line to a set of his disciples, Peter, Andrew, James and John, it is still applicable today. There is no greater calling or purpose in life than to be fishers of men. The cool thing is, you don't have to be a paid professional, pastor, to do this. The disciples were not brought up as priests in the temple, no they were common laborers, fishermen. But, I don't know how!!  Easy. Just follow him. Read the Bible, (go on Mission trips with your Uncle), Jesus will be there to teach you.
A - Application             
Am I being made into a Fisher of Men? Am I being taught by reading and studying God's word?  

P - Prayer -  Jesus, I will follow. Make me a Fisher of Men.  Love Will

Photo by sasan rashtipour on Unsplash

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