S - Scripture
Matthew 5 v. 7 Blessed are the
merciful, for they shall have Mercy.
O -
Merciful. That's exactly opposite of our culture today. We
like to win, and win big, We want to
crush our competition. WE are blessed to live in America and be rich (Uhhh...
last I checked, college is not cheap!) It in essence is a position
of power and authority, we are privileged. How we handle this status is
key with the people that we interact with. Jesus gives us some great
instruction. See Matthew 25 v.34-40, "I was hungry, thirsty, naked, in
prison, and you took care of me. But when? When you helped the least of these
you did it to me. Come inherit the Kingdom."
A - Application
Do I recognize my status? Do I recognize the opportunity to
be merciful?
P - Prayer
Jesus, Give me a mindset and a heart set to be
merciful. Love
Photo by Matt Collamer on Unsplash
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