S - Scripture
Matthew 1 v. 17 So all the generations from
Abraham to David were 14 generations, and from David to the deportation to
Babylon 14 generations , and from the deportation to Babylon to the Christ, 14
O -
The bible is ripe with significant numbers. 3 is one of
them. In this case, there are 3 sets of 14. However 14 is not one of the
significant numbers. Hmmmm. Curiously, how many generations since Jesus?
Assuming every 40 years there is another generation, then 2008/ 40 = ~ 50. Not
sure what that means but OK. The other thing is there is a wide fluctuation
in generations on God fearing men. Some great hero's , some not so great.
A -
What am I doing to ensure that my genealogy, my future
generations believe in Jesus? 3rd John 1 v. 4 says it all. "No greater joy
can I have than this, to hear that my children follow the truth."
P - Prayer
Jesus, Help me, bless me that my Genealogy
reflects you in our lives. Love Will.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
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