Saturday, May 30, 2020

Talk to God

S - Scripture     
Matthew    6 v. 8b For your Father knows what you need before you ask him.      

O - Observation 
Why bother? If God already knows what we need then why ask? It's because God wants a relationship with us. He wants us to talk to him. He wants us to share our lives with him. After all, He states, seek and ye shall find, ask and it will be given to you, knock and the door will be opened. One last thing, if your ever at a point where your at a lost for words, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, talks to God on our behalf. Now that is comforting.   

A - Application 
Am I developing a Relationship with God? Do I really believe that he is listening? 

P - Prayer   
Jesus, Help me to develop a Strong Relationship with you. Help me to talk to you with confidence. Love Will.

Photo by Andy Montes de Oca on Unsplash

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