S - Scripture
Matthew 15 v. 13- 14 He replied,
"Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by
the roots. Let them alone; they are blind guides,.. And if a blind man leads a
blind man, both will fall into a pit.
O - Observation
Grass roots. Jesus uses the analogy of a blind man
to describe the world that does not see Jesus. Leaders of this world, informal
or formal, that do not follow God’s word will end up hurt. Along with those
that follow them. As “seeing” people, what are we to do with the “blind” people?
Jesus tells us here to go of grass roots. Let them alone. We need to focus on the
“blind” followers. They will follow who ever is leading them. We need to show
them the safe way in life. The only way in life – Jesus. Inherently, followers
are more open to God’s wisdom, since they are following to begin with.
This gets back to sharing the Good news one person at a time – via
relationships. We simply need to lead them to Jesus. This approach is a bottom
up approach to the blind leaders of the world.
A - Application
Am I helping the “blind” to follow a safe path to
P - Prayer
Jesus, Help me to be a guide for the blind.
Love Will.
Image by Oberholster Venita from Pixabay