Thursday, July 2, 2020

Jesus IS the one

S - Scripture     
Matthew 11 v. 3  And he (John the Baptist) said to him, “Are you he is to come, or shall we look for another?”  

O – Observation
John the Baptist was in prison when he heard all about Jesus. So he sent his disciples to Jesus to ask the above question. Really, this is a common question about Jesus. Is he really the one? Or.. should I look for another?  The world provides plenty of others. But, just as John found out, Jesus is the one, the truth.  You know it is true by how he changes people’s lives. Jesus encourages us to seek the truth. He encourages us to test him on wisdom.  

A - Application             
Am I sure that Jesus is the one?     

P - Prayer      
Jesus, Thanks for being the one. Thanks for saving me.  Love Will.  

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