Sunday, July 12, 2020

Choose Jesus

S - Scripture     
Matthew 12 v. 30  He who is not with me is against me,  and he who does not gather with me scatters.

O - Observation    
Laying it on the line. Jesus states this as clear as possible. You’re either in or out. You’re for him or against him. Think about armies. There’s several roles; Generals, Supply folks, Medics, Solders, Cooks, ect. All are equally important, but have different roles. Being for Jesus does not mean you have to be knee deep in Mission work or in a visible position. No God uses and needs the less visible people, the ones that simply share their faith with a friend.

A - Application             
So… What is my choice? Am I with Jesus?    

P - Prayer      
Jesus, Help me to stay committed to my choice of being with you in Good times and bad.  Love Will

1 comment:

  1. Can’t make it clearer than that, Will. You are either All In for Jesus ... or not. We will be known by our fruits.
