S - Scripture
Matthew 15 v. 11 Hear and Understand; not what
goes into the mouth that defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth, this
defiles a man.
O - Observation
Stained. Back in Jesus day, and even today, the
Jews and other religions have food that is forbidden to eat. It’s from unclean
animals. Participating in those foods stained a person. But Jesus makes it
perfectly clear it’s what comes out that stains us. Not what we eat. Later on
in v. 10, Jesus says, for out of the heart comes evil thoughts, murder,
adultery, fornication, theft, false witness, slander. How true that is. Thank
God for Jesus who washes our Stains away.
A - Application
Am I recognizing when I cause a stain? Am I praying
to God to take my stains away?
P - Prayer
Jesus, Thank you for dying so that I may be
stainless. Love Will.
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