Thursday, October 29, 2020

Be aware of making selfish decisions

S - Scripture     

Matthew 28 v. 11  When they were going (the women were going to tell the disciples what they had seen) behold, some of the guard went into the city and told the chief priests all that had taken place.


O - Observation 

Decision time. So the guards, who thought they had probably the cushiest job, realized they

have failed. Failure would most certainly mean ridicule and some sort of punishment in the Army ranks. Especially for guarding a dead guy. Thus the conspiracy is hatched. The need for them to save face. So instead of going to their captain or Pilate, they went to the chief priests since they knew that the priests couldn't do anything to them. Motivation for selfish purposes is a dangerous road to travel. Their decision on who to go and tell, and how to protect themselves, had and has an impact on the world today. See verse 12-15.;&version=31;


A - Application  

When making decisions, am I traveling down the dangerous road of selfishness?  


P - Prayer      

Jesus, Help me to always make God pleasing decisions.  Love Will.  

1 comment:

  1. Roman guards who failed in their duty were punished by death, so they were very motivated to come up with a story to save their own hides.
