Thursday, October 22, 2020

Recognize and avoid the deceptions in life

S - Scripture     

Matthew  27 v. 34 They offered him wine to drink, mingled with gall, but when he tasted it, he would not drink it.


O - Observation 

Realization of Deception. That's what comes to me on this verse. Jesus, while hanging on the

cross stated that he was thirsty. So they offered him this "special" drink. It was NOT as it appeared. Once Jesus tasted this, he wanted no more. Perhaps, God in his sovereigness let this happen for us to learn from. Some things may look good in our lives (wine) but the reality is its rancid (gall). The definition of Gall is: rancid, bile, bitterness. Nothing in that sounds good to me. Notice, the second Jesus recognized the deception he stopped. Even though he was thirsty.


A - Application  

What are the deceptions in my life? Am I drinking the gall with the wine, or am I quitting the drink? 


P - Prayer      

Jesus, Help me to recognize and avoid the deceptions in my life. Love Will.  

Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay 

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