Friday, January 29, 2021

Be aware of views that dilute the truth

S – Scripture

Mark 12 v. 24 Jesus said to them, “Is not this why you are wrong, that you know neither the scriptures not the Power of God?”


O – Observation

Jesus said this right after the Sadducees, a religious group that kind of blended the Jewish religion with their own interpretation. They were trying to trick or disapprove Jesus. Jesus started his rebuttal with this statement. Makes me think about how political correctness start to muddy the Christian waters. I think of the current trend towards Pluralism, Coexist with all the religions. The thought process of – If God is good, why do bad things happen. All muddying the water!!!


A – Application

As the Christian waters get muddied with World views how can I know the scriptures? Do I use them as the basis of my life? Do I recognize the Power of God?


P – Prayer

Jesus, Help me to know your scriptures and your power. Love Will

Image by Pexels from Pixabay 

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