S – Scripture
Mark 8 v. 29 And he asked them, “But who do YOU say I am?”
O – Observation
This is the billion dollar question. Actually it’s the
Eternal life Question. This is a question that each one
of us will have to
answer when we die. There’s no denying that Jesus existed. There’s proof, other
religions will even recognize him, but not for what he is- God. Earlier in the
chapter Jesus asked, “Who do people say I am?” And the disciples reported to
him that people thought he was a prophet. Peter spoke for them all when he
replied to the question – You are the Christ.
A – Application
Who do I say is Jesus?
P – Prayer
Jesus, Thank you for being who you are: My God. My Savior. My Friend. Love Will.
Photo by Ismael Paramo on Unsplash
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