S - Scripture
Psalm 98 v. 4 Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth, break forth into
joyous song and sing praises!
O - Observation
All the earth! The whole creation should sing to the Lord. After all, we are
marvelously and wonderfully made. God has positioned the earth just perfectly
and spins it just perfectly to sustain the life that he has created. Any closer
to the sun and we would fry. Any further away, and we would freeze. Night and
day, the right amount of gravity. Rain. All this sustains us. Perfect. His plan
for our salvation - perfect. John 3 v. 16, "For God so loved the world
that he gave his only son, who so ever believes in him will be saved. " -
Perfect. In all these things, what have we've done to make it so? Nothing! Its
all God. Which is all the more reason why the whole earth should break forth in
A - Application
Am I making a joyful noise to the Lord?
P - Prayer
Jesus, I am amazed by all that you have done! Whoot, Whoot!! Love
Photo by Louis Maniquet on Unsplash
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