Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Remember to do the Good Thing!!!

S - Scripture
Psalm 92 v. 1 It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to thy name, O most High.

O - Observation
Its a good thing. Martha Stewart must of borrowed this from the Psalmist, David. Maybe NOT!! But, she was on the right track, conceptually. It is a good thing to thank and praise the one who has save us. 1 Corinthians 6 v. 20, "you were bought with a price. So Glorify God in your body."  The price was steep, our value high, the cost was - God the Father sending his only son to be human, to feel and experience what we do, to be physically punished and tortured, to dies on a cross. All that for you and I . But it gets better, Jesus rose from the Dead. Jesus conquered Death. Thru him we have no fear. Now that's a GOOD THING.

A - Application
Am I doing good things by thanking and praising God?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Thank you. You are name above all names. .   Love Will

Photo by Jasmin Ne on Unsplash

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