Friday, April 9, 2021

Know what to invest in

S - Scripture
Psalm 25 v. 2  O my God, in thee I trust. 

O - Observation
In God we trust. That's what's on every penny in the USA. That's what's the foundation of my life, just like the penny.  The penny, now days is almost useless, more of a nuance than a value. But its when you collect enough pennies that makes you rich. Its kind of like God, in good times, God may be in the way, or forgotten. But just like savings, if we invest our time, our lives in God, saving pennies if you will, you will be rich. Jesus tells us of an eternal inheritance in heaven for those that call upon his name. Just like a penny, in down times, when money is tight, every penny counts. Every penny is valuable. So it is with us, in down times we lean to God for help. We become much more aware of the value of him.
A - Application
So what's my currency? Am I saving my pennies?

P - Prayer
Jesus, My God, in thee I trust.  Love Will

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

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