Thursday, April 22, 2021

Pause to recognize how Amazing God is!!!

S - Scripture
Psalm 33 v. 8 Let all the earth fear the Lord, let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him! 

O - Observation
Complete Amazement! What God has done is indescribable. Mizzou just got a $7 million dollar grant to study how plants can help in medicine. God figured that one out on the 4th day, two days before man was created. The whole world is amazingly connected, woven together. Its amazing. Sun rises, sun sets. Amazing. Grand Canyon, Alps, Arctic, Jungles. Amazing. The complexity of the eye - amazing. Watching a baby grow from inception to adulthood - amazing. Having the world spin exactly the same (24 hours) for hundreds of centuries - amazing. Gravity to keep us on the ground - Amazing!  Wow!!!

A - Application
Really? How can one not say God created the earth?

P - Prayer
Jesus, You are an amazing God.  Love Will

Photo by Jordan Wozniak on Unsplash

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