The Ultimate Authority
Guest Blog by Gary Riedel
S - SCRIPTURE: Acts 5:29 Peter and the other Apostles replied: We ought to obey God rather than men!
O - OBSERVATION: The circumstances are that Peter and the Apostles being filled with the Holy Spirit since Pentecost were preaching the death and Resurrection of Jesus and by the power of the Spirit, they were preaching and saving thousands. The Sadducees we’re filled with jealousy and had them thrown into jail, but an Angel of the Lord freed them and again they were preaching in the temple courts by the order of the angel. Again authorities brought them before the Sanhedrin and the order that they were to stop preaching about Jesus was repeated. It was at that point they uttered this faith-filled phrase. You see, it was faith that caused them to say that. The same faith that caused Gideon to go out to defeat the armies of the Midianites and the Amalekites with only 300 men chosen by God to be His agents to rescue His people. God was responsible for Gideon’s victory, just as God was responsible for allowing Peter and the Apostles to preach.
A - APPLICATION: These are beautiful examples of how our Sovereign God looks after His faithful people. That should give us faith in every circumstance that we are to seek to do His will, even if it seems neither possible or probable by human reason. Why? Simply because He is in charge and His will is always done. We should follow the example of Joshua 24:15 But as for me
and my house we will serve the Lord!
P - PRAYER: Gracious Father, Help me always to worship You above all else, so that it is only by faith that I do not fear, and never by defiance or trust in self, for You are the ULTIMATE AUTHORITY! May we have no other Gods before YOU! In Jesus Name, Amen
I do agree with sharing the word,family refuse and reject when I preach,they treat me like an enemy.