S - Scripture
Psalm 141 v. 1 I call upon thee, O Lord, make haste to me! Give ear to my
voice, when I call to thee!
O - Observation
Hello!! I'm down here. In case you haven't noticed. I'm facing some troubles
(people hating, money disappearing, too busy to sleep or spend time doing what
I should.) That's why I love this verse. Here's David, a man after God's heart,
letting it fly, crying to Jesus. I know that there are times when I feel like
I'm praying to a brick wall. Hello!!??? I'm here, please answer me. It's at
these times I have to realize 2 Peter 3 v. 9, " The Lord is NOT SLOW about
his promise (Matthew 28 v.20b, "Lo, I am with you always.") as some
count slowness, but is patient with you not wanting anyone to perish, but
everyone to come to repentance."
A - Application
How am I reacting when it seems like God's not listening?
P - Prayer
Jesus, I call upon thee. Thanks for keeping your promises. Love Will
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