S - Scripture
Psalm 138 v. 8 The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; thy steadfast love O
lord endures forever. Do not fore sake the work of thy hands.
O - Observation
Purpose. The great question each of us asks. What's our purpose? Why are we
here? This psalm gives us the foundation for the answer to the question. The
Lord has a purpose for you. That's where we need to start when working to find
the answer to this question. We need to turn our eyes, our focus on God vs.
what the would provides as an answer. Romans 12 v.2, "Do not be conformed
to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may
prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."
How do we find out what God's will is for us? Pray, read the Bible and then do.
You will never know what your purpose is if you don't get into the game.
A - Application
Am I seeking out what my Purpose is?
P - Prayer
Jesus, Fulfill, reveal your purpose for me. Love Will
Photo by Hugo Jones on Unsplash
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