Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Forgive from the Heart

S - Scripture     
Matthew 18 v. 35  So also my heavenly Father will do to everyone of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your Heart.

O - Observation    
Forgiveness.  This is Jesus concluding remark after the parable of a man who owed a ton of money, had his debt forgiven, but would NOT forgive the debt (a very small one) that someone owed him.  Because of that, once the guy who he owed money to found out, he put him in jail until he could pay back what was owed to him. Which, the last time I checked, you don't make much if any money while in jail. So Jesus used this parable to help us in our lives. Jesus forgives the sins we do, but out of sheer appreciation, we should forgive the sins that people do to us. But it can't be lip service. Jesus says that is should be from the Heart. Jesus knows that forgiveness is liberating, if you truly forgive from the Heart, then there will be no baggage to carry.  

A - Application  
Am I forgiving people from the Heart?     

P - Prayer      
Jesus, Help me to forgive from the Heart. Love Will.  

Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash

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