Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Value Humility

S - Scripture

Proverbs 18 v. 12 Before destruction a man 's heart is haughty, but humility goes before honor.


O - Observation

The importance of humility. Pride comes before destruction. Humility begets honor. Pride, self-pride is really a one way street to destruction. Ask the Devil. Humility is NOT self depravation. Its not about saying you suck. No, humility is about servant hood. Humility is not being above someone, or some one's position. Its getting dirty with those around you. Think about this, God, Jesus, humbled himself to become a servant and die a brutal death for us. The ultimate servant. The ultimate honor. What a great role model for us. Matthew 22 v. 39b, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Shift our focus from ourselves to others, destruction to honor.


A - Application

Do I understand the importance and value of humility?


P - Prayer

Jesus, Help me to love my neighbor as myself.  Love Will.

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